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Why do Children not respond well to scolding?

Why do Children not respond well to Scolding? 10 MARCH, 2022 by  Prachi Srivastava   According to Oxford dictionary, scolding means “an angry rebuke or reprimand”. When our children don’t meet our expectations we reprimand them in different ways and the most...

Become a Confidant to your Teenager

Become a Confidant to your Teenager 22 JANUARY, 2022 Adolescence is a phase of ‘Identity formation’ While the parents might think that their teenagers are fortunate to have healthy bodies, comfortable living, and so many other comforts in life, the teenager still...

Why do Teens slam doors on your face?

Why do teens slam doors on your face? 12 JANUARY, 2022 I recently interacted with a group of teenagers to understand what makes them sad and how they can gain control over their emotions. We figured out what really happens which makes them slam doors and stay...

Overcoming Anxiety in Adoptive Parents

Overcome the Anxiety of being Adoptive Parents! The second wave of Covid-19 left us feeling numb and disconnected from ourselves and the world outside. It has impacted our way of living and has put us in a zone of utter confusion. It is demanding and taking a toll on...

Wonder why your child isn’t feeling encouraged?

Wonder why your child isn’t feeling encouraged? 21 July, 2021 Power of Praise “I was never good at sports! I still remember my P.E lessons where the teacher would make us stand in a circle and one kid used to stand in the centre of the circle. The kid who is in...